WooCommerce Integration
Common Set-up
WooCommerce Setup
Import Products
Import Products via Webhook
Import Products Using Remote IDs
Export Products
Import Orders
WorkFlow Automation
Shipping Policy
Payment Gateway
Order Process Setup
Update Order Status
Import Customer
Import Stock
Update Operation
Update Stock
Update Stock (from Odoo to WooCommerce)
Update Stock (from Odoo to WooCommerce)
You can update the inventory from Odoo to WooCommerce either manually or you can set the
scheduler to update it at a certain interval.
You can go to WooCommerce Integration > Configure Schedulers, wherein, you can set the
scheduler for exporting inventory.
If you would like to update it manually, you can go to Operations > WooCommerce Operations >
Export Stock.
The inventory can also be updated from Odoo to WooCommerce if you manage your inventory
in multiple warehouses. You can select multiple warehouses from WooCommerce Integration >
WooCommerce Setup > Product Configuration > Manage Multiple Stock. You can select
multiple warehouses here.
If you click on ‘Manage Multiple Stock’ option and it is not allowing you to check this
option then click on ‘Reset Connection’. Then select ‘Manage Multiple Stock’ and set the
warehouse. After that click on ‘Test Connection’ and click on ‘Fully Integrated’.
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