WooCommerce Integration
Common Set-up
WooCommerce Setup
Import Products
Import Products via Webhook
Import Products Using Remote IDs
Export Products
Import Orders
WorkFlow Automation
Shipping Policy
Payment Gateway
Order Process Setup
Update Order Status
Import Customer
Import Stock
Update Operation
Update Stock
WooCommerce Integration
WooCommerce Integration
Once the connector is installed, we need to integrate with WooCommerce store. So for that
please navigate to WooCommerce Connector > Configuration > WooCommerce Integration and
then click on the create button.
- After that you will be navigated to the integration screen.
- Connector Name:
You can give any identical name. When you perform any operations, you need to select the connector and this name will be shown at that time.
- Consumer Key & Consumer Secret:
You can generate Consumer Key and Consumer Secret from WooCommerce store.
Please go to WooCommerce store > Settings.
When you generate Consumer Key and Consumer Secret, please make sure that you are
requesting from the Admin account.
Once you click on the Settings menu, please click on the last tab “Advanced” and click on
“REST API” menu. You will then get an option ‘Add key’, please click on it.
You will get the following screen, you can mention any identical name in the Description field.
Now, in the Permissions field tab, please give Read/Write permission.
If you don’t give Read/Write both the permission then you will not be able to perform some
Once you get Consumer Key and Consumer Secret please copy from the WooCommerce store
and paste into the WooCommerce integration.
- Username:
You need to add your WooCommerce store user name.
- Password:
You need to add your WooCommerce store password.
- WooCommerce Version:
You need to select your WooCommerce store version. (Currently we support 3.5+ version)
- Host:
You need to enter the URL of your WooCommerce store.
If you configured the WooCommerce in a sub domain then, please copy subdomain from
the URL. (
- Verify SSL:
If you have SSL certificate on WooCommerce store then please check that option.
- Woocommerce Store Timezone:
Here, you need to select your WooCommerce store time-zone.
Once you fill-up all the information, please go to the second tab ‘Common Setup’.
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