Update Purchase - Sales - IWT History (Manual)

Update Sales History or Purchase History or IWT History

To Update the Sales History / Purchase History / IWT History that is considered while calculating accurate Minimum Quantity & Maximum Quantity manually navigate to 

Select either Sales History or Purchase History or IWT History Operation in the wizard that opens as shown below.

Choose Period to calculate Sales History or Purchase History or IWT History of Reordering Rule.

For either of the cases select the Warehouses and products for which you wish to Update your Sales History or Purchase History or IWT History.

Update the Sales History or Purchase History or IWT History.

Please Note: 

1. If no warehouses and Products are selected then Sales History, Purchase History, or IWT History of reordering rules will be Updated for all products and all Warehouses.
2. This is a manual method to create/Update the Reordering rule.
3. By default, the reordering rules will be updated in Automated Method after the time period set in Configuration Settings.

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