Advance Reordering User Guide
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Getting started
532 Views •Analysis
445 Views •Features
435 Views •Analysis from Reordering Rule Created/Updated
408 Views •Terminologies
388 Views •Operational Guide
378 Views •Operational Guide
366 Views •Create Reordering Rule (Manual)
356 Views •Concluding points
352 Views •Operational Guide
346 Views •Operational Guide
338 Views •Operational Guide
337 Views •Auto Process for Reordering Rule
333 Views •Features
332 Views •Features
307 Views •Features
287 Views •Update Purchase - Sales - IWT History (Manual)
273 Views •Getting started
Advance Reordering provides advances in functionalities to Minimum Quantity and Maximum Quantity of Odoo by allowing users to know the accurate quantity to purchase or replenish between warehouses to avoid overstock and accurate minimum Quantity to maintain, to avoid Out-of-stock nightmares.
Advance Reordering enhances
- Minimum and Maximum Quantity capabilities in Odoo enables users to determine the precise amount to purchase or restock between warehouses, prevent overstocking, and ensure the proper minimum quantity is maintained to avoid stockouts.
- Reorder stock including buffer days.
- Multiple reorder Fulfillment strategy
- For the Purchase Order choose the vendor who is either the cheapest or the quickest or specific vendor.
Location Selection strategy to keep stock. - Reorder as per your finance & storage convenience.
- Demand Calculation strategy that considers all real-time parameters while calculating the actual quantity that should be ordered.
- Get the best benefits and discounts by fulfilling Vendor Minimum Order Quantity through centralized Purchase.
- Distributed way facilitated while replenishing the stock.
- Automate the process of calculating the demand of products at regular intervals by setting the planner
- Avoid human intervention by defining the Autowork flow for calculating the real demand.
- For InterCompany transfer define the priority by creating an Intercompany channel
- For InterWarehouse transfer define the priority by creating an Interwarehouse channel.
Predict Sales of products in the future through Sales Forecast in reordering.
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