Operational Guide

  • Pre-requisites: 

Before Auto-Creating Sales Forecast it is mandatory to define the Fiscal year and the time duration by default on a monthly basis for which you wish to predict Future Sales.

For this navigate to

  • Enter Name and Code of Fiscal Year.
  • Enter Start Date and End Date which indicates months for which you wish to future Sales Demand and save it.
  • Click on Create Monthly period. A fiscal Period on monthly basis will be created as shown in the figure below.

  • Click on Update Actual Sales every time to update Actual sales of particular months once it is completed. This will automatically Update Sales data of this particular month in the field of respective Sales Forecast products.

Now, once the prerequisites conditions are fulfilled to Auto-Create Sales Forecast

For this navigate to

To Import Sales Forecast by manually

    1. Select the Import option in Process type.
    2. To Import Forecast Sales manually, select File Import in Import Forecast by option.
    3. Download Import Forecast Sale Sample File.
    4. The file which you wish to upload should be in this format.
    5. Upload your file and click on the Import button.
  • To Import Forecast Sales in Auto-Create mode, Select Auto-Create in Import Forecast by option

Now to Auto Create Sales Forecast, again we have two options. Either you can create Sales Forecast from

  • Past History Sales
  • Past Forecast Sales
  • To Create Sales Forecast using Past History Sales
    1. Select History Sales in Create Sales Forecast from the option.
    2. Select the Fiscal Period which you want to consider for calculation.

Please Note: Here If History Sales is chosen then the common Average of Past Sales will be considered for the period you choose here in the Fiscal Period.

    1. Select the Target Period for the months in which you wish to calculate future demand.
    2. Select products, Companies, and Warehouses.
    3. Click on the Import button.
  • To Create Sales Forecast using Past Forecast Sales
    1. Select Forecast Sales in Create Sales Forecast from the option.
    2. Select either Normal Forecast to Consider Past Forecast sales of indicated Months or Seasonal Forecast for seasonal-based products. 
    3. Select the Fiscal Period which you want to consider for calculation.
    4. Select the Target Period for which you wish to calculate future demand.

Please Note: Here the Seasonal Forecast option selects data of that previous year's History Month which you select here in the Target Period. Hence for seasonal Forecast, there is no need to select a Fiscal Period.

    1. Select products, Companies, and Warehouses.
    2. Click on the Import button.

  • To Export Sales Forecast for Auto create mode
    1. Select Export in Process type.
    2. Select History Sales in Create Sales Forecast from, to Export present Forecast Sales based on Past History Sales.
    3. Select Forecast Sales in Create Sales Forecast from, to Export Present Forecast Sales based on Past Forecast Sales.
    4. Select the Fiscal Period for which you wish to Export Forecast Sales.
    5. Select Products, Companies, and Warehouses for which you wish to export Sales Forecast.
    6. Click on the Export button.

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