Operational Guide

To calculate the number of Products to be replenished among warehouses based on real demand navigate to

Demand of products among Warehouses can be calculated based on two Methodologies

  • History Sales
  • Forecast Sales
  • To calculate demand based on the History of Sales
    1. Select the Warehouse, Here select the Warehouse which will fulfill the requirement of products to other Warehouses namely Fulfiller Warehouse.
    2. Select History Sales to generate demand with.
    3. Choose dates to calculate Average Sales.
    4. Select the list of products for which you wish to calculate demand in the Products tab.
    5. Select all the warehouses for which you want to calculate demand and to which you want to replenish the products.  
    6. Click on Save and Validate.
    7.  A new tab namely the Demand Calculation and a Summary tab will appear.
    8. To be delivered bar in Demand Calculation shows the accurate quantity of Products that should be replenished from the Fulfiller Warehouse to this warehouse.
  • To calculate demand based on Forecast sales
    1. Select the Warehouse, Here select the Warehouse which will fulfill the requirement of products to other Warehouses namely Fulfiller Warehouse.
    2. Select Forecast Sales in Generate Demand with.
    3. Select the list of products for which you wish to calculate demand in the Products tab.
    4. Select all the Warehouses for which you want to calculate demand and to which you want to replenish the products.
    5. Click on Save and Validate.
    6.  A new tab namely the Demand Calculation and a Summary tab will appear.
    7. To be delivered bar in Demand Calculation shows the accurate quantity of Products that should be replenished from the Fulfiller Warehouse to this warehouse.

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