4 types of Return Operations in RMA
RMA For Refund Operation
The refund operation allows you to return the product and get a refund for the same. When this operation is selected, the invoice will be created for the Refund operation once the product is received from the relevant customer.
RMA For Replace Operation
The Replace operation allows you to replace the same product because of any of the reasons. When this operation is selected, the Return Receipt will be generated to collect the product from the customer for replacement operation.
RMA For Repair Operation
The Repair operation allows you to place a Repair request for Return operation. If for any reason say for eg. The product was defective and the customer requested for Repair at that time user can select here Repair option in the Return operation. Once the Return request for Repair is requested for approval Return Receipt will be generated to collect the product which should be repaired.
RMA For Buyback Operation
The Buyback operation allows you to place a Buyback request for a Return operation. If for any reason when the customer has requested for Buyback Operation at that time again, a return receipt will be generated to collect the product from the Customer first. Then the customer can purchase again same or different product again as a return operation was requested for Buyback.
Please Note:
You can’t set more than order quantities in the Requested quantity.
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