Inter Warehouse Transaction


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  1. Inventory
  2. Inter Warehouse Transfer
This feature allows users to transfer stock between two warehouses of the same company. This transaction can be done in two ways.
  1. Single step transfer (Full filler warehouse to Requestor warehouse)
  2. Two step transfer
    1. Full filler warehouse to Transit Location
    2. Transit Location to Requestor warehouse

Inter warehouse transaction record contains the following fields.

  1. Requestor Warehouse
  2.  A warehouse who is requesting for stock replenishment

  3. Origin Sale Order
  4.  From which sales order an inter warehouse transfer record is created

  5. Direct transfer to destination without transit location?
  6.  If this option is enabled then direct transfer will be created from Fulfiller warehouse to requestor warehouse

  7. Full filler Warehouse
  8.  A warehouse who is replenish stock to requestor warehouse

  9. Inter Company User
  10.  All the necessary documents will be created and processed with the selected user

  11. Date
  12.  Date of an inter warehouse transfer

  13. Inter Warehouse Transfer Lines
  14.  It helps to define how many products, quantity will needs to be transferred to the requestor warehouse

Users can easily create inter warehouse transfer lines by importing formatted csv files. Sample file is available in the file import wizard.

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