Inventory XYZ Analysis Report

Helps to classify inventory items according to the variability of their demand based on stock value and helps to minimize the inventory cost such as turnover, labor cost, material cost, etc

To generate an inventory XYZ analysis report go to

In the wizard, users has the option to select - Stock value category (X / Y / Z class)

X First 70% of the total Inventory value corresponds to X Class

Y Next 20% are of Y Class

Z Last 10% of the value corresponds to the Z Class.

Users can filter sales data in two ways :

  1. Products & Categories
  2. Companies

Group by sales data by Product Category, Product, Company-wise

Generate graph report (bar chart, line chart, pie chart[if a value is negative, piechart will not generate])

Download inventory XYZ analysis report in excel file

Users can choose options to filter data to see the selected data in a report

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